Training and Management Development

Under-trained managers and staff are more likely to be ineffective and inefficient, make errors, and have low morale than those with the skills required to meet their objectives. From teaching hiring managers how to properly conduct an interview, to developing teamwork skills and work-life balance for salespeople, to creating entire 360-degree manager and supervisor development programs, our training programs accelerate the developmental learning process of your managers and staff.

Example Projects:

  • Advised on a decision managing chart for a board of a medium sized company to depict board versus management decision responsibilities.
  • Conducted training needs analysis of office management specialist positions.
  • Reviewed and provided input to a questionnaire for measuring sales and marketing strategy and associated competencies and personality traits as part of a commercial training program for a vendor.
  • Helping family company through management versus ownership and Board issues.
  • Provided executive coaching to senior management of a mid-sized company on Board relations and ownership issues.
  • Conducted training of assessors of a large assessment center on scientific basics of personnel selection.
  • Developed plan for quarterly Board Reports for a mi-sided organization.
  • Developed a scoring sheet for evaluating performance in events/activities in a federal agent tactical team training program.
  • Conducted executive coaching on role of Board Chair versus CEO for a small family-owned company.
  • Attended a stockholder meeting of a company as part of executive coaching project.
  • Trained remote assessment administrators how to conduct proctored assessments and exercises.
  • Conducted a psychometric analysis of a sales training tool for measuring personality and sales competencies and strategies.
  • Reviewed scripts used as feedback for a sales personality training tool.
  • Developed certification tests for an online training program on how to administer an assessment center.
  • Assisting with the creation of a sales training internet-based consulting product, especially the creation of assessments and reports.
  • Prepared and conducted a diversity and inclusion presentation for a large public employer.
  • Developed a presentation on the research behind unconscious bias for training full time assessors in a large organization.
  • Reviewed and revised competency and personality assessments for use with sales training.
  • Analyzed the competencies and personality traits required of sales jobs to improve a sales training program.
  • Reviewing and providing recommendations on assessments, attributes, and feedback reports for developing sales personnel.
  • Conducted executive coaching with the top management of a small agricultural company.
  • Reviewed a team development training program for a consulting firm.
  • Developed assessor training program for government security agent hiring.
  • Conducted a review of trust and innovation literatures as part of a development program for research and development personnel.
  • Reviewed a training program for test item writers for a large organization that uses tests for professional promotions.
  • Reviewed the interview and related training for hiring production workers in a large manufacturing company.
  • Reviewed a team development product for a large human capital management firm.
  • Conducted training program on resume screening and scoring accomplishment records for a large group of assessors.
  • Conducted an analysis of assessor leniency/severity for feedback in conducting interviews and other exercises in an assessment center of a large organization.
  • Conducted a training program for interviewers for hiring professional employees in a large government organization.
  • Created normative feedback report for 200 employment interviewers on their scoring in a large organization.
  • Conducted an annual training program on a structured rating process for reviewing applications and resumes in a large organization.
  • Helped develop and conduct a training program for recruiters for a large government agency by presenting research on diversity hiring, recruiting effectiveness, recent initiatives, and other topics.
  • Reviewing the literature on e-mail etiquette rules.
  • Planning a knowledge transfer management plan for a professional association.
  • Conducted a psychometric analysis of tests used for a managment development training program in a large company.
  • Conducted executive coaching on succession management, career development, managment processes, and oher topics with an indiustry association.
  • Reviewed and wrote a report evaluating the staffing system implications of an accelerated management development program for a large organization.
  • Helped an organization plan its legacy management style as part of strategic planning for the future.
  • Conducted a review and evaluation of job relatedness of a rating scale of potential as part of a succession management process for a large company.
  • Conducted a training program for reviewing applications and resume information.
  • Created and taught a training program on reviewing resumes, applications, and accomplishment records.
  • Created and taught an annual interview training program for a large government agency.
  • Created interviewing training videos with mock interviews and answers to past behavior, situational, and motivation interviews.
  • Conducted and analysis and developed a feedback report for 58 assessors on their scores on several exercises.
  • Development of a succession planning process for a sales force.
  • Developed feedback report for interviewers and assessors to improve the accuracy of their ratings.
  • Conducted a training program on a highly structured application prescreening process for 30 assessors.
  • Conducted a training progam on the scientific basics of hiring and the use of structured interviewers for 70 assessorsin a government agency.
  • Writing a report on extending a succession management process to additional managerial jobs.
  • Conducted training program for 30 assessors on a structured evaluation of work experience, education, and accomplishments for prescreening professional employees.
  • Conduct assessor training program for 80 assessors and subject matter experts who administer structured interviews and assessment exercises.
  • Developed and conducted a training program for 70 assessors for a large government agency.
  • Developed training videos for structured interviewing.
  • Conducted focus groups with executives on the use of job assignments for managment development.
  • Conducted executive coaching for plant manager candidates in a large manufacturing company, including writing assessment reports.
  • Conducted an assessment and development center for Plant Managers for a large company.
  • Conducted an assessment and development center for Operations Managers for a large company.
  • Developed training videos for subject matter experts to learn how to evaluate candidates in highly structured interviews for hiring security agents for the federal government.
  • Conducted training on administering an application review process, including accomplishment records for hiring international government employees for 50 assessors.
  • Conducted assessor and interviewer training for 50 government security agents.
  • Wrote report on the development of assessment tools to assist candidates in selecting occupational certifications
  • Conducted a training program for lawyers on the scientific basics of personnel seleciton.
  • Developed a Career Background Survey for conseling students taking online courses for certificates in various professions.
  • Developed a Training Previes for conseling students taking online courses for certificates in various professions.
  • Developed a Learning Styles Survey for conseling students taking online courses for certificates in various professions.
  • Conducted assessment center feedback (executive coaching) calls with groups of plant and operations managers for a large company.
  • Created interest profiling online surveys for measuring interest and matching candidates to 10 occupational certificate programs.
  • Researched tests of creativity for use in understanding the likely innovativeness of new hires into government jobs.
  • Conducted training for assessors evaluating applications using a structured scoring process (Qualifications Evaluation Panle)
  • Conducted assessment center training for 70 assessors for a large federal government agency.
  • Developed and conducted a survey of store preferences to inform career development decisions and understand demographic differences.
  • Analyzed training needs for professional employees of a large government agency.
  • Conduct routine training on assessment administration.
  • Conducted executive coaching with a manager in a company to improve his skills and the effectiveness of his work team.
  • Developed an interviewing training video depicting example candidate answers to questons.
  • Conducted review of the knowledge management literature to identify issues to guide the process in a medium-side company.
  • Researched, compared, and evaluated information technology certifications programs as hiring criteria in a large organization.
  • Developed assessment center reports and provided feedback to candidates for plant manager .
  • Created an assessment center for plant manager promotions and management development for a large manufacturing company, including creating assessments (e.g., structured interviews, group exercises, and cases) and assessor training.
  • Developed a job description for the president of a company of 500 employees.
  • Wrote a report recommending how job analysis information should be used for revising hiring, training, performance appraisal, and promotions systems for 18 occupations in a large organization.
  • Reviewed and revised a training program on goal setting for managers and employees in a large company.
  • Conducted career development interviews with the entire salesforce in a medium-sized company, including the development of individual and group-wide action plans.
  • Conducted a literature review on running familiy businesses for a medium-sized agriculture company.
  • Developed a training program for sales personnel on how to counsel customers who are stressed due to poor economic conditions.
  • Conducted a training program on the scientific basis of personnel selection and on strcutured interviewing (including developing training videotapes of candidates) for training 70 assessors that admininster a year-round assessment center to over 4,000 candidates annually in a large government agency.
  • Reviewed a goal-setting (performance management) training program for managers of a large retail company.
  • Developed interview writing guidelines and content specifications for training subject matter experts to develop structured interviews
  • Conducted training on structured interviewing for managers, pharmacists, and HR staff in a large retail drug store company.
  • Developed videos for structured interview training involving mock candidates taking interviews
  • Conducted a training program for counseling stressed customers for salesmen in a animal nutrition company.
  • Developed training materials, including a training videotape showing actor-candidates providing example interview answers on different types of interviews, for training assessors in an international U.S. government agency. Also conducted the training for 50 assessors.
  • Developed training materials and conduct assessment center training for 50 assessors in an international U.S. government agency.
  • Conducted a psychometric and criterion-related validity analysis of an individual assessment process used for management development in a large shipping company
  • Conducted a training workshop on competency modeling for professional consultants
  • Conducted a training program on competency modeling for human resource managers in a glass container company
  • Developed training materials and conduct assessment center training for 60 assessors in an international U.S. government agency.
  • Developed training materials, including a training videotape showing actor-candidates providing example interview answers on different types of interviews, for training assessors in an international U.S. government agency. Also conducted the training for 60 assessors.
  • Developed training materials and conduct assessment center training for 60 assessors in an international U.S. government agency.
  • Developed training materials, including a training videotape showing actor-candidates providing example interview answers on different types of interviews, for training assessors in an international U.S. government agency. Also conducted the training for 70 assessors.
  • Developed training materials and conduct assessment center training for 70 assessors in an international U.S. government agency.
  • Developed training materials, including a training videotape showing actor-candidates providing example interview answers on different types of interviews, for training assessors in an international U.S. government agency. Also conducted the training for 50-70 assessors yearly.
  • Developed training materials, including a training DVD showing actor-candidates providing example interview answers on different types of interviews, for training assessors in an international U.S. government agency. Also conducted the training for 50-70 assessors.
  • Developed a maintenance certification program to enhance multi-craft skills among maintenance employees of an industrial cable manufacturing company, including classes, on-the-job-training, Certificates of Technical Achievement, and funding from the Unemployment Insurance Board.
  • Conduct executive coaching sessions multiple times per year with the senior executives of an agricultural animal nutrition company.
  • Conduct executive coaching sessions multiple times per year with the senior executives of an agricultural animal nutrition company.
  • Conduct executive coaching sessions multiple times per year with the senior executives of an agricultural animal nutrition company.
  • Conduct executive coaching sessions multiple times per year with the senior executives of an agricultural animal nutrition company.
  • Analyzed the management job assignment data in order to create a model to guide the development of drug store managers in a large chain.
  • Conducted a scientific and best practice review and suggested improvements to the executive development processes used in a large shipping company.
  • Evaluated commercial online training tools for management development for a large shipping company
  • Conducted training programs on structured interviewing in many different locations of a forest products Company.
  • Conducted a large study of the role of job rotation for training and development in a financial department of a large pharmaceutical company.
  • Developed a training program for assessors to use a new qualifications evaluation process for hiring professional employees into the Federal Government.
  • Conducted a training program on needs assessment methodology for trainers and career development specialists in a large pharmaceutical company.
  • Conducted a multi-source feedback (360 feedback) development program for sales managers of a large food processing company.
  • Conduct career development interviews with employees of an agricultural animal nutrition company.
  • Conducted a training program on personnel selection and turnover reduction for human resource managers of a large glass manufacturing company.
  • Conducted a training program on structured interviewing for managers of a small steel mill.
  • Conducted a training program on structured interviewing for managers of a construction company.
  • Conducted a multi-source feedback (360 feedback) development program for purchasing managers of a large food processing company.
  • Conducted training programs on structured interviewing for consultants and sales managers in a small human resources consulting firm.
  • Conducted a training program on structured interviewing for consultants in a large human resources consulting firm.
  • Conducted a change management study in an animal nutrition company and provided developmental feedback to senior management.
  • Conducted a training program on compensation and performance evaluation for directors of a large pharmaceutical company.
  • Conducted a training program for salespersons on teamwork and work-life balance in a large food processing company.
  • Conducted 2 multi-source feedback (360 feedback) development programs for owners and managers of swine producer companies in Illinois.
  • Conducted a training program on hiring, compensation, and motivation for owners and managers of swine producer companies in Indiana.
  • Conducted 4 multi-source feedback (360 feedback) development programs for owners and managers of swine producer companies in North Carolina.
  • Conducted a multi-source feedback (360 feedback) development program for owners and managers in a swine producer company in Indiana.
  • Conducted a training program on hiring, compensation, and training for owners and managers of swine producer companies in Iowa.
  • Conducted a training program on hiring, compensation, and motivation for owners and managers of swine producer companies in Illinois.
  • Conducted training on teams and empowerment for both employees and supervisors in a small aluminum extrusion plant.
  • The pay-for-skills programs discussed under 'compensation' contain a large training component; they determine the training activities required for promotion and pay increases, including both on-the-job and off-the-job training.
  • Developed an assessment battery to guide career decisions into technical versus supervisory jobs in a medium-sized company.
  • Conducted training programs on using structured interviews for entry-level production hiring in a steel mill.
  • Conducted training programs on using structured interviews for entry-level production hiring in a steel mill.
  • Developed a detailed plan for a training and qualification project at an automotive lift manufacturer.
  • Conducted training programs on using structured interviews for entry-level production hiring in a steel mill.
  • Developed a 360-feedback system for a large federal government agency, including developing the survey and reports, designing a web page, determining all the processes and procedures, and performing various organizational development activities.
  • Conducted training programs on using structured interviews for entry-level production hiring in a steel fabrication company.
  • Conducted training programs on using structured interviews for entry-level production hiring in an automotive parts factory.
  • Provided training to subject matter experts for developing national manufacturing skill standards.
  • Developed training materials and trained 25 assessors on an in-depth assessment center (including group exercises, presentations, structured interviews, in-basket, and written exercises) to hire entry-level job candidates for an international U.S. government organization.
  • Assisted in the development and analysis of a 360 program to enhance the career development of a department in a federal agency.
  • Created a total employee development process for professional government employees including a job rotation system, a 360 feedback survey, a performance appraisal form, a promotion process, and hiring tools.
  • Wrote sidebars, provided technical oversight, and participated in webinars for a training book on structured interviewing
  • Developed training materials on questions that should not be asked in an interview.
  • Conducted training on job analysis and skills taxonomies for human resource employees in a large insurance company.
  • Conducted training on structured interviewing for the managers of a plastics extrusion plant.
  • Conducted career development interviews with the salesmen and sales management and developed action plans for improvement in a farm animal nutrition company.
  • Conducted a training needs assessment of the sales representative job in a large pharmaceutical company.
  • Conducted a training needs assessment of the personnel representative job in a large pharmaceutical company.
  • Conducted a training needs assessment of the manufacturing manager job in a large pharmaceutical company.
  • Conducted a training needs assessment of management jobs in an ophthalmology clinic.
  • Used the results of a major job analysis to determine the training needs for management personnel in a large federal agency.
  • Conducted a training needs assessment of the human resources manager job in a large pharmaceutical company.
  • Conducted a training needs assessment of all the financial jobs (from secretary to director) in a large pharmaceutical company.
  • Conducted a future-oriented training needs assessment of human resources jobs in a large pharmaceutical company.
Please contact us for more information on how Campion Consulting Services can enhance your organizational capabilities.