The bedrock of any valid and defensible hiring or performance management system is a detailed job analysis to identify the tasks and duties, and the knowledge, skills, and abilities required to successfully perform the job. We provide a thorough analysis that can be used as the basis for creation or revision of highly job-related hiring, performance management, compensation, skills development, and most other human resource systems.
Example Projects:
- Finalized three expert witness reports in a gender and race class claim of compensation and promotion.
- Developed and gave a job analysis results presentation to senior management and to the participants on an operations/logistics job.
- Created job analysis results and findings highlights report and presentation for management audience, including interpretation, for operations, logistics, and contracting professional jobs.
- Analyses and write a comprehensive 400-page technical report on a job analysis of procurement, logistics, and contracting managers in a large organization.
- Conducted job analysis results presentations to management and other user groups.
- Conducted training needs analysis of office management specialist positions.
- Developed a job description for an assistant to the Chair of the Board of Directors of a company.
- Conducted an analysis of library science degrees for hiring based on job analysis results.
- Analyzed and wrote a technical report on a job analysis of administrative support personnel for a large organization.
- Analyzed and wrote a technical report for a job analysis of public engagement professionals in a large government agency.
- Analyzed a job analysis survey of librarians.
- Wrote a job analysis report for English Language Teachers.
- Provided an expert witness analysis and report on a comparable worth case involving Probation, Police, and Correction Officers.
- Provided an expert witness analysis and report on a comparable worth case involving Probation, Police, and Correction Officers.
- Write a job analysis report for a management audience highlighting changes to the job, which was language teachers.
- Analyzed a job analysis survey and write a technical report for language trainers.
- Conducted a job analysis of librarians and related positions in a large government organization.
- Conducted a job analysis of office clerical and administrative staff positions in a large organization.
- Developed job analysis surveys for administrative and office staff positions.
- Guided validation study of an artificial intelligence job analysis tool.
- Advised on taxonomy of structured interview topics to develop an assessment product for a start-up company.
- Researching job differences between firefighters and emergency medical technicians and paramedics for a lawsuit.
- Programmed a job analysis survey for international English teaching jobs.
- Created exhaustive task and knowledge and skill lists as part of a job analysis of English language teachers.
- Wrote a technical report on a comprehensive job analysis of financial managers jobs.
- Created a job description for a director of human resources position for a medium sized company.
- Conducted a content validation study of job-sample technical skill structured interviews for hiring software engineers.
- Conducted a job analysis of software engineers at a financial services company.
- Created a test blueprint for hiring construction engineers based on a job analysis.
- Conducted a working group and wrote a report on determining the action plans for hiring and training from a comprehensive job analysis of security agents.
- Wrote a report recommending physical ability test and weapons standards based on job analysis results for tactical teams of security agents in a government organization.
- Developed a job analysis results presentation for construction engineers.
- Analyzed a job analysis survey of construction engineers and wrote a technical report, executive report, and developed presentation, including developing action plans.
- Conduct job analysis of construction engineers, including conducting focus groups, writing detailed task and knowledge, skill, and ability statements, and conducting survey of incumbents.
- Analyzed changes to a competency model for the influence on hiring criteria in a large organization.
- Created detailed tasks list for special security tactical teams.
- Conduct a task analysis of Federal Government Tactical Security Teams.
- Wrote a job analysis highlights report describing key findings, interpretations, and recommendations for management use on four medical occupations.
- Analyzed and wrote a technical report of comprehensive job analysis studies of four medical jobs.
- Evaluated the implications of a revised competency model on the job relatedness of the assessments for hiring in a large organization.
- Conducted job analysis surveys for doctors, nurses, psychiatrists, and lab scientists.
- Conducted focus groups and updated task and job requirements lists for four medical jobs (physicians, nurses, psychiatrists, and lab technicians) as part of a comprehensive job analysis.
- Compiling job analysis data across multiple jobs for input to the revision of a competency model.
- Developed a test blueprint for hiring Human Resource Managers from a job analysis.
- Updated the position announcement for hiring human resource managers based on a job analysis.
- Write a job analysis highlights report for a management audience highlighting major results, changes to the job, and interpretations.
- Analyzed a comprehensive job analysis of the human resources jobs in a large government organization and wrote a detailed technical report.
- Conducted job analysis of human resource manager jobs in a large organization.
- Created a test blueprint from a job analysis for facility manager hiring.
- Developed and gave a presentation to executive management on the results of a comprehensive job analysis study.
- Wrote a report highlighting the key findings of a job analysis study for management.
- Wrote an extensive technical report to document a comprehensive job analysis of a facilities management occupation in a large organization.
- Creating job analysis surveys.
- Prepared and delivered an executive presentation on a job analysis and recommendations for alternative hiring procedures and other uses of the data.
- Write a report on a comprehensive job analysis of financial institution (bank) examiners.
- Research data analytics and project management occupations to develop hiring announcements for new jobs.
- Evaluated the comprehensiveness and content validity of hiring assessments for office management specialists and wrote a report.
- Conducted a comparison between hiring assessments and job analysis results for financial services hiring.
- Programmed online job analysis surveys.
- Conduced job analysis focus groups with bank examiners and supervisors.
- Conducted interviews with job experts about future changes to a job in preparation for a job analysis.
- Proposed revisions to the competency model used by a large government agency based on job analysis results.
- Wrote a report on the revision of the dimensions for scoring an assessment center, including linkages to a job analysis.
- Conducted an analysis of whether the job grades (pay level) should be increased for a technical specialist job based on a job analysis.
- Conducted a study comparing the current hiring assessments for security engineers with a comprehensive job analysis to identify the job relatedness and potential improvements.
- Conducted a study comparing the current hiring assessments for security technical specialists with a comprehensive job analysis to identify the job relatedness and potential improvements.
- Write a job analysis highlights report for communicating the results to management for a government security engineering occupation.
- Write a job analysis highlights report for communicating the results to management for a government security technician occupation.
- Analyzed the data from a comprehensive job analysis of a government security engineering occupation and wrote a detailed technical report.
- Analyzed the data from a comprehensive job analysis of a government security technician occupation and wrote a detailed technical report.
- Write a job analysis highlights report for communicating the results to management for a government security courier professional occupation.
- Analyzed the data from a comprehensive job analysis of a government security courier professional occupation and wrote a detailed technical report.
- Analyzed the data from a comprehensive job analysis of a government security professional occupation and wrote a detailed technical report.
- Programmed job analysis surveys for multiple jobs.
- Conducted e-mail review of job analysis task and knowledge/skill lists for three professional jobs in security.
- Conducted analyses to inform the revision of assessment center dimensions.
- Wrote a detailed technical report describing a comprehensive job analysis of five core professional jobs in a federal government agency.
- Write a job analysis highlights report describing the most interesting finds for senior management.
- Conducted an exhaustive analysis of a job analysis survey and wrote a technical report for an information technology job.
- Write a job analysis highlights report for information management specialist jobs.
- Conducted a review and wrote a report on a job analysis (time study) of Administrative Law Judges based on a revision of the job analysis report and arbitration testimony.
- Analyzed a job analysis survey and wrote a report summarizing the results for information management jobs.
- Planned how to conduct a time study of donning and doffing protective gear in a food manufacturing plant.
- Developed comprehensive task and knowledge and skill lists to include in a job analysis of information technology jobs in a large US agency.
- Developed comprehensive task and knowledge and skill lists to include in a job analysis of professional jobs in a large US agency.
- Created a job analysis measure of computer learning requirements of jobs.
- Created a measure of physical demands for information management jobs.
- Conducting a job analysis editorial survey of task and knowledge lists for information technology jobs.
- Conducting a job analysis editorial survey of task and knowledge lists for professional jobs.
- Write an employee newsletter article on the results of a recent job analysis.
- Provided a deposition in a wage and hour case.
- Conducted an analysis of job analysis results for a large government agency to identify major results and trends.
- Created an Excel report generator for job analysis data.
- Conducted a job analysis of security agents including planning, focus groups, e-mail reviews, writing task, knowledge, skill, and ability statements, and planning a survey.
- Conducted an analysis of a large job analysis survey and wrote a report for security agents.
- Reviewed a competency modeling study for information technology jobs.
- Analyzed the data and wrote an expert report on a time sampling study to estimate the amount of work time for various task for a wage and hour lawsuit.
- Designed and conducted a time sampling study to estimate the amount of work time for various task for a wage and hour lawsuit.
- Wrote a job analysis report for bank examiners for a large government agency.
- Conducted a job analysis focus groups of bank examiner jobs in a government financial institution.
- Conducted a job analysis survey of bank examiner jobs in a government financial institution.
- Reviewed the literature on time studies, the accuracy of time estimation, bias in job analysis, and related topics for an arbitration.
- Conducted a review and wrote a report on a job analysis (time study) of Administrative Law Judges.
- Supervised a job analysis of production jobs conducted by a consulting firm for a manufacturing company.
- Wrote a job analysis report for production jobs in a manufacturing company.
- Developed a job description for the Vice-Chairman of a 400-person company.
- Supervised a job analysis and made recommendations for changes to assessment for hiring production employees in a manufacturing firm.
- Reviewed engineering degree requirements for hiring security engineers.
- Conducted a job analysis survey of librarians working for the federal government.
- Conducted focus group to plan a large scale job analysis.
- Conducted a job analysis survey of librarians.
- Created a plan for a job analysis of all professional and managerial jobs in a large organization.
- Analyzed changed in librarian jobs for a large organization and evaluated the impact on their hiring procedures.
- Reviewed the hiring process for production employees, served on a committee to conduct a job analysis and make improvements, and wrote a report to senior management for a large manufacturing company after an OFCCP audit.
- Wrote a report interpreting a research study and making recommendations for hiring and developing the careers of opticians.
- Conducted and analysis and wrote a technical report on a study of characteristics of highly performing opticians.
- Conducted an analysis of changes to middle management jobs and revised the staffing tools (and succession management process) in a large retail organization.
- Analyzed and wrote a critical review of the physical ability job analysis and assessments used for hiring railroad workers.
- Advised a large organization on alternatives in competency modeling.
- Observed jobs, conducted interviews, and developed a proposal for a job analysis and physical ability selection system for a large manufacturer.
- Conducted a study of opticians to collect information on eduction, experience, job tasks, job requirements, productivity, and other information to inform licensing, training, development, and promotion of profession.
- Reviewed job analysis and validation reports on assessments for hiring into a large medical facility.
- Developed job description for social worker.
- Conducted an analysis of which tasks might benefit from innovation in a policy-related job in the Federal Government
- Conducted an analysis of tasks that might benefit from innovation in professional management jobs in a Federal Government agency
- Developed job descriptions for banking and call center jobs.
- Developed a competency model for banker, teller, and call center jobs in a large bank.
- Conducted a job analysis of banking jobs, including observations, interviews, focus groups, etc., and many locations.
- Developed and conducted a job analysis survey for five jobs in a large bank.
- Reviewed the Proposal to the Office of Management and Budget for the continuation of the research on O*NET.
- Developed and conducted a survey of store preferences to inform career development decisions and understand demographic differences.
- Developed a detailed competency model, including level definitions, for professional government employees.
- Revised the vacancy announcement for hiring professional government employees based on a job analysis.
- Review O*NET report and proposal for continuation to the Office of Managment and Budget
- Developed and implemented an internet job analysis survey.
- Conducted a job analysis of overseas and domestic employees for a large government agency.
- Revised the competency model for a large government agency.
- Conducted a Comparison of the Job Requirements of Security Agent Jobs Assigned in War Zones to a Job Analysis and Hiring Assessments for Traditional Jobs
- Developed a competency model for a large government agency.
- Conducted a job analysis of 250 overseas and domestic employees for a large government agency.
- Developed highly detailed vacancy announcements (job postings) for a wide range of professional jobs.
- Developed job descriptions for retail five management and executive jobs based on job analysis results and current discriptions.
- Developed job descriptions for pharmacist and pharmacy management jobs.
- Advised a federal agency on how competency modeling could be used to revise their performance evaluation, hiring, and training systems.
- Validated minimum qualifications for management and executive jobs for internal promotions.
- Validation of minimum qualifications for manager and executive jobs in a large retail company.
- Revised job descriptions for physicians and psychiatrists.
- Content validated inteview guides for hiring executives and managers in a large company.
- Developing a process for identifying IT competencies to be used for making downsizing decisions in an IT department of a large company.
- Developed job descriptions for several retail store management jobs and pharmacy management jobs for a large company
- Writing detailed job descriptions for professional jobs based on job analysis results
- Developed a competency model for first-line supervisors in a large glass manufacturing company, including conducting interviews, conducting a survey, and visiting a plant.
- Wrote a report recommending how job analysis information should be used for revising hiring, training, performance appraisal, and promotions systems for 18 occupations in a large organization.
- Conducted a job analysis of sales associate jobs in a large home furneshings store chain, including observations, interviews, task and knowledge/skill/ability lists, and employee and manager surveys (n = 500).
- Conducted an organizational development project to encourage the use of job analysis and competency modeling information for revising human resource systems (training, appraisal, hiring) in a government department.
- Revising vacancy announcements for specialist jobs based on job analysis results in a large government agency.
- Developed a user-friendly computerized job analysis database to allow laypersons to easily access and manipulate information on job tasks and knowledge requirements.
- Developed a competency model based on interviews and surveys for plant and operations managers in a large glass container manufacturing company
- Conducted a job analysis of medical technology jobs including training and supervising analysts, reviewing task and knowledge statements, developing and administering an Internet survey, analyzing the results, and writing a technical report.
- Conducted a job analysis of facility management jobs including training and supervising analysts, reviewing task and knowledge statements, developing and administering an Internet survey, analyzing the results, and writing a technical report.
- Conducted a job analysis of information technology manager jobs including training and supervising analysts, reviewing task and knowledge statements, developing and administering an Internet survey, analyzing the results, and writing a technical report.
- Conducted a job analysis of information management specialist jobs including training and supervising analysts, reviewing task and knowledge statements, developing and administering an Internet survey, analyzing the results, and writing a technical report.
- Conducted a job analysis of information management technology specialist jobs including training and supervising analysts, reviewing task and knowledge statements, developing and administering an Internet survey, analyzing the results, and writing a technical report.
- Conducted a job analysis of security engineering jobs including training and supervising analysts, reviewing task and knowledge statements, developing and administering an Internet survey, analyzing the results, and writing a technical report.
- Conducted a job analysis of security technical specialist jobs including training and supervising analysts, reviewing task and knowledge statements, developing and administering an Internet survey, analyzing the results, and writing a technical report.
- Conducted a job analysis of construction engineering jobs including training and supervising analysts, reviewing task and knowledge statements, developing and administering an Internet survey, analyzing the results, and writing a technical report.
- Conducted a job analysis of courier jobs including training and supervising analysts, reviewing task and knowledge statements, developing and administering an Internet survey, analyzing the results, and writing a technical report.
- Conducted a job analysis of information resources jobs including training and supervising analysts, reviewing task and knowledge statements, developing and administering an Internet survey, analyzing the results, and writing a technical report.
- Conducted a job analysis of human resources manager jobs including training and supervising analysts, reviewing task and knowledge statements, developing and administering an Internet survey, analyzing the results, and writing a technical report.
- Conducted a job analysis of general service manager jobs including training and supervising analysts, reviewing task and knowledge statements, developing and administering an Internet survey, analyzing the results, and writing a technical report.
- Conducted a job analysis of office management specialist jobs including training and supervising analysts, reviewing task and knowledge statements, developing and administering an Internet survey, analyzing the results, and writing a technical report.
- Conducted a job analysis of financial manager jobs including training and supervising analysts, reviewing task and knowledge statements, developing and administering an Internet survey, analyzing the results, and writing a technical report.
- Conducted a job analysis of health practitioner jobs including training and supervising analysts, reviewing task and knowledge statements, developing and administering an Internet survey, analyzing the results, and writing a technical report.
- Conducted a job analysis of psychiatrist jobs including training and supervising analysts, reviewing task and knowledge statements, developing and administering an Internet survey, analyzing the results, and writing a technical report.
- Conducted a job analysis of medical physician jobs including training and supervising analysts, reviewing task and knowledge statements, developing and administering an Internet survey, analyzing the results, and writing a technical report.
- Conducted a job analysis of English language teacher jobs including training and supervising analysts, reviewing task and knowledge statements, developing and administering an Internet survey, analyzing the results, and writing a technical report.
- Developed job descriptions for pharmacy, technician, and management jobs in new centralized pharmacy operating centers in a large drug store company.
- Conducted an analysis of college degree requirement for professional jobs using job analysis information.
- Conducted job analysis survey of 500 management and hourly employees in a home linens retail store chain.
- Conducted job analysis survey (n = 4,000), analyzed the data, and wrote a report on seven drug store management and pharmacy management jobs in a large drug store chain.
- Conducted a future-oriented job analysis of new pharmacist and technician jobs in pharmacy central processing centers and new stores in a large drug store company.
- Conducted observations, interviews, and focus groups, and developed detailed task and KSAO lists for new pharmacist and technician jobs in pharmacy central processing centers and new stores in a large drug store company.
- Conducted a large-scale job analysis of 5,000 overseas and domestic government employees including conducting focus groups, writing task and knowledge statements, developing and administering an Internet job analysis survey, analyzing the results, writing a technical report, and using the information to revise hiring tests, assessment center exercises, performance evaluations, training programs, and other HR systems.
- Conducted a large-scale competency modeling project for the overseas and domestic government employees including planning the project, conducting focus groups, conducting a survey, studying special populations, revising the model, writing a technical report, and using the information to revise hiring, appraisal, training, and other HR systems.
- Conducted country-wide focus groups and developed detailed task and KSAO lists for drug store management and pharmacy management jobs for a large drug store chain.
- Conducted a job analysis of the manufacturing manager job in a large pharmaceutical company.
- Conducted a job analysis of production jobs in a petrochemical plant.
- Evaluated proposals to develop a job analysis system to document the requirements of all jobs in the U.S. economy; the system replaced the Dictionary of Occupation Titles (DOT) and is called the Occupational Information Network (O*NET).
- Served as technical advisor to supervise the development and initial implementation of the O*NET project.
- Advised on the integration of the O*NET and DOT databases and the transition from the DOT to the O*NET.
- Planned and initiated a competency modeling project in a large department of the federal government.
- Conducted a job analysis of the human resources jobs in a medium-sized fiberglass company.
- Reviewed skills assessment approaches for financial personnel in a large financial services company.
- Presented ideas and wrote a paper on job analysis for the future as part of a conference sponsored by a government agency.
- Helped integrate the O*NET project with other job analysis projects and initiatives being conducted by the government.
- Presented on the topic of job analysis at conferences for various government agencies involved in the O*NET project.
- Developed over 1000 definitions of knowledge and experience based on position descriptions to be used in a skill profiling system in a large insurance company.
- Conducted a job analysis of hourly production jobs in a steel mill.
- Prepared a request for proposal to conduct a major job analysis of over 4000 employees in a large department of the federal government; then helped evaluate proposals and select the contractor (research firm) to conduct the job analysis.
- Served as the technical advisor to supervise a major job analysis of a large department of the federal government; heavily involved in providing both technical guidance and practical advice on the project, and preparing the organization to utilize the job analysis data for a variety of purposes.
- Planned and initiated a job analysis update to a comprehensive study of the jobs in a large department of the federal government.
- Wrote position papers on various issues on job analysis (e.g., use of common language, uses of integrative job analysis data, etc.) to support the O*NET project.
- Conducted future scenario workshops to identify the future job requirements and competencies of officers in a large government agency based on different possible futures of the diplomatic world.
- Advised on the development of a job analysis methodology for a large financial services company.
- The pay-for-skills programs at IPT under 'compensation' involved a job analysis to develop competency models to define the growth in responsibilities and skills as the associated is promoted to higher-level jobs.
- Conducted job analysis to develop hiring procedures for supervisory positions for steel manufacturer.
- Conducted a job analysis of all grades and types of overseas and domestic officer jobs in a large government agency.?
- Participated in focus groups, survey, data analysis, and report preparation of a nation-wide job analysis of manufacturing jobs for the development of skills standards.
- Advised on a similar job analysis of retail jobs for the development of national skills standards.
- Conducted job analysis to develop hiring procedures for hourly positions for a structural steel manufacturer.
- Conducted job analysis to develop hiring procedures for hourly positions for a steel manufacturer.
- Twice reviewed the clearance package submitted to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) to gain approval for the next phase of data collection for the Occupational Information Network (O*NET).
- Conducted a job analysis as a basis for developing a pay-for-skills program and selecting training programs for maintenance workers in an electric cable manufacturing facility.
- Conducted job analysis to develop hiring procedures for sales positions for steel manufacturer.
- Advised on the research proposals submitted to the Office of Management and Budget for the continued data collection in the Occupational Information Network (O*NET) project.
- Conducted a job analysis of patent examiners to validate a promotional exam.
- Advised a large organization on occupational and skill taxonomies for use in developing a human resource information system (also noted under record keeping).
- Conducted a comprehensive job analysis of over 1,000 Diplomatic Security Agents in a large Federal government agency.
- Service on the advisory board for a job analysis project in the US Navy.
- Conducted a comprehensive job analysis of 200 employees in a large Federal government agency.
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