
Organizational Surveys

How do you know if your systems are really working as well as you planned? Well designed surveys can be used to gain accurate information on employee satisfaction, reactions to proposed programs, input on programs in development, data on the requirements of jobs, employee opinions, or customer satisfaction.

Example Projects:

  • Conducted training needs analysis of office management specialist positions.
  • Revised the programming of candidate reactions surveys that collect fairness perceptions and feedback for improvement from thousands of candidates per year for a range of professional jobs in a large organization.
  • Revised programming of candidate reactions surveys after assessment to reflect remote administration.
  • Conducted an analysis and wrote a report on candidate reactions to a survey administered after hiring assessments for 18 specialist job categories.
  • Conducted an analysis and wrote a report on candidate reactions to a survey administered after hiring assessments for 5 categories of management occupations\.
  • Revised a personality test used for training sales people.
  • Conducted a psychometric analysis of a sales personality tool.
  • Conducted sentiment analyses on employee survey responses using two sets of software.
  • Wrote a report on a survey of supervisor satisfaction with IT specialist hires.
  • Conducted a survey of supervisor satisfaction with IT specialist hires.
  • Write a report on a study of the work culture in an organization.
  • Programmed a survey to assess satisfaction with recent information technology hires.
  • Analyzed a student intern survey and created an automatic report generator.
  • Wrote a report on a survey of student intern programs in a large government organization.
  • Conducted a survey of student interns in a large government organization.
  • Conducted content validity surveys of subject matter experts to pick and validate an assessment for hiring technical employees.
  • Conducted content validity surveys of subject matter experts to pick and validate an assessment for hiring professional employees.
  • Analyzed and wrote a report on a survey of supervisor satisfaction with their office management specialists (secretaries).
  • Analyzed and wrote a report on a career development survey of 500 office management specialists (secretaries) in a large government agency.
  • Programmed an online job satisfaction survey for office management specialists in a large government agency.
  • Conducted an analysis of candidate reactions to various hiring programs in a large government organization.
  • Created a career development survey for office management specialists.
  • Conducted a benchmarking survey of psychometric testing in large financial firms, blue chip firms, and testing vendors in the US.
  • Reviewed exist surveys for professional and managerial employees turning over in a large organization.
  • Conducted a survey of former (lost) candidates for professional positions in a large government organization.
  • Created survey and generate sample for a study of the use of testing in financial firms.
  • Conducted a survey of participants in a student internship program in a large organization.
  • Conducted a lost candidate survey or those candidates turning down job offers.
  • Programmed an online survey of student intern satisfaction for a large organization.
  • Analyzed data from a lost candidate survey.
  • Conducted a former candidate survey to get feedback on the hiring process of a large organization by collecting feedback from candidates that withdrew or rejected offers.
  • Analyzed a nation-wide survey of the jobs, credentials, and performance of opticians to inform credentialing, training, hiring, and career development.
  • Developed a scoring key for a financial compatibility quiz for advising clients of financial advisers.
  • Reviewed and revised an online survey for advising couples on financial investments.
  • Provided executive coaching to a medium sized company around the maintenance of their corporate culture.
  • Conducting a survey on e-mail etiquette rules in a small company as an organizatioanl development initiative to improve efficiency.
  • Conducted a study of the culture of a medium-sized organization by conducting interviews with key managers and identifying the core aspects of the culture.
  • Conducted a literature review of organizational culture.
  • Conducted a candidate reactions survey in a large organization, including development, programming, administration, analysis, and report.
  • Analysis of written comments collected in a survey of satisfaction with newe professional employees.
  • Developed sampling plan for an employee survey.
  • Wrote report on the development of assessment tools to assist candidates in selecting occupational certifications
  • Designed and programmed an online career interest profiler.
  • Developed and conducted a job analysis survey for five jobs in a large bank.
  • Analyzed training needs for professional employees of a large government agency.
  • Conducted a survey of job perferences for managers of a large company.
  • Developed and implemented an internet job analysis survey.
  • Developed and conducted a survey of store preferences to inform career development decisions and understand demographic differences.
  • Internet surveys of to collect responses to interview items to develop rating scales as part of most interview projects.
  • Internet job analysis surveys to collect ratings from incumbents and other respondents as part of virtually every job analysis project.
  • Internet surveys of subject matter expert reviews of selection procedure items (e.g., interviews, tests, etc.) for instrument development and content validation as part of virtually every selection project.
  • Internet surveys of to collect responses to interview items to develop rating scales as part of most interview projects.
  • Internet job analysis surveys to collect ratings from incumbents and other respondents as part of virtually every job analysis project.
  • Internet surveys of subject matter expert reviews of selection procedure items (e.g., interviews, tests, etc.) for instrument development and content validation as part of virtually every selection project.
  • Conduct survey of current promotion practices for manager jobs in a large retail organization.
  • Conducted job analysis survey of 500 management and hourly employees in a home linens retail store chain.
  • Conducted and managed 3 opinion surveys for a site of 10,000 employees, including designing the survey, collecting data, analyzing the data, training managers receiving the feedback reports, diagnosing organizational problems, making management presentations, and performing a wide range of organizational development activities to improve morale.
  • Most of the job analysis projects (listed elsewhere) involved the use of surveys of employees and other subject matter experts to evaluate the importance of tasks and knowledge, skills, abilities, and other worker characteristics.
  • Conducted an opinion survey of all production employees in a small aluminum extrusion plant.
  • Conducted a sample survey of employee reactions to a new skill development program in an automobile parts manufacturer.
  • Developed internal customer satisfaction survey for small auto parts manufacturer.
  • Conducted surveys of candidate perceptions of the fairness of several tests and assessment exercises.
  • Conducted a telephone survey of candidates who voluntarily dropped out of an assessment process.
  • Developed survey to assess employee perceptions of production worker pay-for-skills program in a medium-sized automobile parts manufacturer.
  • Conducted an opinion survey as part of a 360 feedback program described below
  • Many of the performance appraisal projects (listed elsewhere) involved the use of 360 feedback surveys to collect ratings of job performance from peers and subordinated for the purpose of management development.
  • See the litigation support section for a project involving a copyright case on opinion surveys.
  • Conducted a survey of compensation satisfaction after a job evaluation was conducted and pay structure was revised in a large truck trailer manufacturer
  • Conducted a survey of competency requirements among 5,000 professional Federal Government employees located around the world using Internet technology.
  • Conducted a survey of challenges and competencies among 400 professional Federal Government employees who have served in Iraq or Afghanistan to determine the special requirements of jobs in the war effort.
Please contact us for more information on how Campion Consulting Services can enhance your organizational capabilities.